NcFTPd : Frequently Asked Questions : Functionality


What kind of advanced features are available?

There are oodles of configuration options which are documented online.

Does NcFTPd allow a user to resume failed downloads?

Yes, every version, since 1.0 in October 1996.  Not all FTP client programs can do this, though.  

Is it possible to have 2 virtual hosts with only one IP address?

No.  This is due to a limitation of the FTP protocol.  There are some new extensions to FTP being discussed, but this would require every FTP client program to be changed to support them.

The reason you can do this with HTTP is that HTTP has only a few predominant client programs and has had a similar extension in place since HTTP/1.1.  This essentially lets the client program tell the web server what hostname they intended to access.  

Are disk quotas supported?

Yes, as of NcFTPd 2.5.0, virtual quotas are supported for virtual users, so you can set quotas on a per-virtual-user basis using the ncftpd_edquota utility (or when you create the user using ncftpd_passwd).  See the documentation for details.

Are bandwidth limits supported?

Yes, as of NcFTPd 2.5.0.  You can either set per-virtual-user limits using ncftpd_edquota , or you can set per-domain limits using the a-download-bandwidth-per-user option.  The bandwidth limits are managed along with the disk quotas, so see the documentation for quotas to see how you can do it per-virtual-user.

Does NcFTPd support group logins using SITE GROUP and SITE GPASS?

No, but multiple groups (i.e. supplementary group IDs in addition to the regular GID) are supported automatically when the user logs in, so you shouldn’t need to login that way.

Does NcFTPd support any concept of a user class?

No, it does not support any wu-ftpd “classes” or similar mechanism.

Does NcFTPd support international character sets?

No, not yet, because NcFTPd requires that pathnames be 7-bit ASCII.  NcFTPd treats international characters as illegal, so you’ll get “permission denied” when you try to use a pathname containing umlauted, accented, or other characters with the high-bit set.

However, data files may contain these characters and they transfer just fine.

Can the TCP Wrappers support built-in to NcFTPd act on a per-domain or per-user basis?

No, if you use TCP Wrappers with NcFTPd (using tcp-wrappers=yes), then those settings apply globally.

Is the SIZE command is supported under ASCII mode?

No, it isn’t.  The reason for this is that for NcFTPd to determine the size of the file in ASCII mode, it would have to open it and read it line by line to account for differences in FTP’s ASCII text format whose end-of-line sequence is carriage return and linefeed.  Since UNIX’s text format uses just the linefeed character for it’s end-of-line sequence, NcFTPd can’t simply return the size of the file.

If the reason you’re wondering this is because a client wants to resume download, then you should know that the client program should generally not be resuming downloads in ASCII mode anyway.

Also note that by allowing SIZE in ASCII mode is an easy way for someone to try a denial-of-service attack, since it’s in easy way to get the server machine waste resources to read large amounts of data on the server machine.    

Do different users behind a proxy server count as the same user for the max-users-per-ip option?

Yes.  NcFTPd has no way to differentiate these users, so you may want to set max-users-per-ip to 5 or more, or don’t use this option at all.

Can client programs use pathnames with ~username notation?

No, but users can use ~ in pathnames to refer to their own home directory.

Why doesn’t NcFTPd implement upload/download ratios?

If you want to run a WaReZ site, use something else for your FTP server software.  There are few, if any, legitimate reasons for such a feature.  I suggest using one of those bug-ridden Windows 95 server programs for all your pirating needs. 


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